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GoldMine Dos and Don'ts

Just a few reminders about the basics of using GoldMine.

Don't Close GoldMine using the Red X in the Top Right Corner of the Window

Many users close GoldMine by clicking on the red X in the top right corner of the GoldMine window. But that prevents GoldMine from performing some important tasks that are necessary upon closing. Instead, always use File | Exit.

When you close GoldMine using the red X in the top right corner, you are preventing GoldMine from:

  • returning the license that was assigned to you when you logged in back to the pool of available licenses (GoldMine has an enlightened licensing scheme, you only need to purchase as many licenses as you have simultaneous users rather than purchasing a license for each user - but if users close GoldMine using the red X they are essentially reserving one of the licenses for themselves, meaning you will run out of licenses if you have more users than licenses)

  • saving the file that contains all of your personal settings such as your default colours, the contact record that you was on display when you closed GoldMine, your e-mail settings, etc. (that's how the file sometimes becomes damaged and causes GoldMine to misbehave)

Don't Be Logged into your GoldMine Account on Two Computers at the Same Time

If you are logged into GoldMine on your computer and then at some point later in the day you sit down in front of another computer (perhaps in a meeting room) and again log into GoldMine, now you are logged in twice on two different computers. In a case like this, always first log out of GoldMine on one computer prior to logging in on another. Otherwise you could damage the file mentioned above that contains all of your personal settings.

Do Exit From GoldMine at the End of Your Work Day

At the end of the day, always close GoldMine (using File | Exit). Otherwise, if your GoldMine server reboots overnight for some reason (e.g. maintenance, an update, etc.) you are in exactly the same boat as if you closed GoldMine using the red X in the top right corner as explained above.

Do Reboot Your Workstation Every Day

Buggy Windows apps "consume" your computer's resources. Once enough of your resources are consumed, applications start failing. So if GoldMine is doing strange things, that might be because your workstation is running low on resources. The solution is simple, just restart your computer. All of its resources will automatically be restored and GoldMine will be happy again.

How often should you reboot? We recommend once a day to be safe. But it is difficult to predict. It depends on two factors:

  • the size of your computer's resources (e.g. how much memory has been installed)

  • the applications that you are running (an update of an app might introduce a bug that results in the consumption of resources, you may not even realize that the app was automatically updated and likewise you may not realize when the app is automatically updated a second time a few days later to quietly fix the bug)

As always, please don't hesitate to contact us if you need assistance.


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